How to write an assignment

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Interestingly, teachers have been known to set writing assignments without stating to themselves what the task is designed to accomplish for the students. A clear aim that the teacher can state, generally on the assignment sheet, is the first step in every successful writing assignment. This helps ensure that students are aware of the work's objectives. Thinking in reverse might help you create better assignments. In universities, assignments are a typical form of evaluation, and require thorough planning and high-level research.

Five Principles:

Use these five guidelines when considering to write assignments:
• Connect the writing assignment to instructional objectives that are more specifically stated in the course's ultimate goals.
• Note the task's rhetorical strategies, such as the audience, purpose, and writing context.
• Create achievable steps for the assignment.
• Specify each step of the assignment.
• Include evaluation metrics to the assignment sheet.

Explain the concept:

This is the main title of the explanation and the concept from which you should develop your ideas.

Develop a schedule:

This is likely the most important component of writing an exposition, although it is commonly overlooked. You are able to allocate time to every phase of the procedure thanks to this. Pressure can eventually be reduced by planning ahead early on. Keep a calendar journal for the year to track your deadlines. Enter task deadlines. Decide on certain tasks that must be completed at certain times. then continue on your course and make changes as necessary.


This time-consuming aspect of writing an essay is essential to have a strong argument and critical writing skills.

Gather ideas:

Gather your thoughts to create a plan. This may also entail conducting further research because concepts or issues have evolved. Examine your research notes, then visualise or mind-map your initial conclusions. On a clean page, begin with a main term, issue, or inquiry. Without deleting or discarding anything, add more ideas or words. Make connections with what you have read and keep going until you run out of ideas. putting words and ideas together At this point, try to reserve a few words solely for the subheadings. Just the subheadings should be drawn this time. Make use of them as you build your presentation.

Plan of pape:

This is the process of organising your concepts, ideas, and thoughts. To avoid reluctance and guarantee that you stick to your deadline and/or topic, it is crucial to constantly coming back to this. Guidance for assessments may include a framework and structure.


This is your first attempt to organise your thoughts into paragraphs. First attempts and draughts are imperfect. Write in whole sentences with citations, but don't feel like it needs to be perfect before you record it. Now, just keep it calm and don't hit the nail on the head. Write your composition paragraph by paragraph and section by section. By doing so, you can start writing as soon as you are ready, even if you have no idea what to write about.


After you have arranged your main ideas in a prepared structure, it is crucial to revise your work. This enables you to determine whether the writing is appropriate for the reader's reading level. Consider reading your document aloud. Verify that the material is appropriate, get help from the language editing experts that the language is of good standard, the sentences aren't too long, the learning objectives are reached, the structure helps to transmit meaning, the support is adequate and well explained, and the references are accurate.


You could then edit your original copy after making any necessary changes to the original work. Move sentences and parts; fully explain all ideas; create associations and connections; support contentions; eliminate unnecessary information; make sure you answer the question; condense phrases; and improve presentation and conclusion. The stage of revision and editing might go on forever. Partition your explanation so that you can revise it; if you are satisfied with the information, save that section for the end of the cycle.


This is a wonderful opportunity to identify spelling and punctuation errors. You might occasionally be prevented from completing this stage by time constraints. You should have the chance to complete this action if you have planned your time effectively. Check for similar-sounding words and different spellings while using spell checkers. It's fine to give oneself till five days before the deadline to do your assignment. Reciting the work aloud, where anybody can hear it, is a good idea to assist identify poorly written sentences or the lack of commas and full stops.


The process ends with the finalisation of the article, which guarantees that all of the documents are arranged in the manner shown in the module manual. A practical page design is something you should make sure of. Verify the reference list to ensure that each in-text source is referenced

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