Struggling to Structure Your Assignment Writing? Overcome Challenges with Tutors India


Aside from the pressures placed on students in postsecondary education, academics are working in a difficult environment due to shifting financial circumstances, new student populations, and new teaching media, which increasingly include blended and remote learning options. In an environment where change is happening so quickly, it is critical to use research to inform the development and planning of writing pedagogies. It won’t be enough to just let students learn how to write assignments by trial and error, especially as academics’ own performance and universities’ metrics of success are yearly focused on completion rates, success rates, and student satisfaction scores.

University assignments are a typical kind of evaluation and call for thorough preparation and high-caliber research. Gaining proficiency in writing and critical thinking are also essential to proving that you can comprehend and apply the knowledge around your subject. It’s normal to have questions concerning how university writing tasks are handled.

Students’ proficiency and aptitude as writers have a role in determining their academic performance. In any university, there are numerous forms of academic writing to become proficient in, such as research projects, manuscript papers, assignments, essays, and reflective pieces.

Structuring Difficulties

When it came to paragraph structure, nearly all of the students (95%) acknowledged the significance of one or more of the following elements:

  • Articulating a single, central idea that all of the other sentences relate to
  • Restating the main idea in a topic sentence
  • Composing an introduction, a development, and a conclusion for every paragraph
  • Avoiding repetition.

The majority of first-year students had trouble generating primary ideas when writing paragraphs, which was followed by issues concentrating on the core concept and avoiding redundancy, as the below image depicts. The majority of second-year students also stated that the hardest parts of writing include coming up with a main concept, avoiding repetition, and connecting phrases. 1

pie chart

paragraph structure

Fig 1: Overcome Your Assignment Writing Challenges with Tutors India

Academic Writing Challenges

The glaring factors that participants in this research study by Gopee and Deane (2013) observed as barriers to academic writing were recognised as follows:

Difficulty in adapting to university studies – Transitioning from school to university level writing can be challenging for some individuals, making it tough to adjust to university coursework. However, it was also considered that older students could find it difficult to return to their studies after a huge break.

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Uncertainty about academic writing conventions and academic genres – Another obstacle to academic writing is uncertainty about writing conventions and expected writing genres. For instance, one may wonder if the course leader or the particular module allows the use of “I” or “we” (i.e., writing in the first person) in assignments. If so, the student may receive comments on their script telling them not to use first person.

Lacking in tutor support – Another obstacle to academic writing was found to be students’ perceptions of a lack of tutor help. Specifically, several students believed that subject tutors did not provide enough assistance with writing, especially when it came to elucidating assessment criteria and essay questions.

Language and culture barriers (international students) – It can be difficult for students who don’t have academic backgrounds to write. Non-traditional university students, also known as those who are “not from an academic background,” include many support staff members who work in healthcare environments. Many of them want to obtain a professional qualification, which is typically only attained by completing university courses.

Other factors – Additional perceived barriers mentioned by research participants include word choice issues, maintaining academic coherence, sticking to word limits, deadlines for assignment submission, and being adequately organised to do so. Additionally, study participants stated that when a student’s script has flaws that indicate poor English (such as misspellings, poorly constructed sentences, and improper punctuation), module tutors and course directors typically do not offer thorough, constructive feedback.

As is evident from the above, various obstacles to academic writing may lessen students’ incentive to devote time and effort to preparing written assignments. Students often resort to using direct quotes from online publications, seeking help of professionals and consulting with academic colleagues as two of the many strategies they employ to get beyond the challenges they face when studying academic writing. 2


In the light of the above obstacles faced by international students, many students seek for genuine help and to make sure their academic journey is pleasant. This is where Tutor India comes as a saviour. We have a designated assignment writing team of experts who are ready to put in the best foot forward and ensure you get the best result. Our assignment writers have immense experience in research and coursework writing with many of them post-graduates and doctorates from leading universities in the UK, US and in India.


  • Dalsky, D. (2007). Students’ Perception of Difficulties with Academic Writing.
  • Gopee, N., & Deane, M. (2013). Strategies for successful academic writing—Institutional and non-institutional support for students. Nurse education today33(12), 1624-1631.

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