How is Business (as opposed to personal use) using social networks?

How is Business (as opposed to personal use) using social networks?

Business uses social network website for several purposes. First, for the new business, it helps to create new partners, new employees or build the personal. According to an expert Delgross, Strategic Vice-president for corporate communication with says about the facebook "Consider establishing or joining a network on Facebook based on your business or industry category to tap into people's affinity for the topic. He added, the sites like Linkedin "The site requires some résumé creation, then offers the opportunity to link in with other like-minded professionals. When used selectively, it can be a very powerful tool for identifying new business partners, new employees, or simply building your personal or business presence," he says, by doing this, you'll cut through the clutter and clearly establish your niche, keeping the interaction focused on the specific subject matter." He further says, "For the most part, these social networking sites should be viewed as complementary to your online presence. Think of it as a nice-to-have, not a must-have," he says. "When used properly, it is something that can gain your business some attention. However, you need to realize it shouldn't be seen as a replacement to your traditional online presence. "Chief executive officer, Rick Julian of Quo Vadis says about the website “"It puts a human face on your business and allows people to get an impression of what a relationship with you would be like.” Furthermore, he added that after using social media for the past one year, the positive return has been gaining through the social networking website.

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